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Downtown Miami Bike Network

In partnership with the City and the Miami DDA, the Miami-Dade County is currently constructing the first Micromobility Network in the heart of Downtown Miami. Four new bike lanes will be implemented, north-south on E 1st Ave and Miami Ave, and east-west on NE 5th and NE 6th Streets. Construction began in April 2021, and when the project is complete in early 2022, Downtown will boast 6,050 feet of new separated bicycle lanes and 850 feet of new parking protected bicycle lanes. The improvements include pavement markings, green paint, bicycle boxes, raised concrete curbs, high-emphasis crosswalks, enhanced signage, and parking protected sections. These micromobility lanes will connect Government Center Metrorail Station, MiamiCentral Brightline Station, Miami-Dade College, several Metromover stations, and provide the building blocks for a fully connected Downtown bike network.

Master Plan Goals
4.0 Create Great Streets and Community Spaces
4.3 Enhance Connectivity to Neighborhoods Surrounding Downtown
5.1 Rebalance Roadways Towards Transit, Pedestrians and Cyclists

Currently under construction and scheduled to be completed in early 2022. The Miami DDA has committed $200K towards bike lane infrastructure/protection.

1 and 2-Year Outlook: County should finish the project in early 2022. Miami DDA is contributing $200K-$350K to purchase planters to be placed in buffer areas to ensure bike lanes are not taken over by delivery vehicles and illegal parking. County is also looking into extending the project from N 11th St to NE 15th St to connect to the Venetian Causeway/Miami Beach.