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2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan

The goal of this Downtown Miami Master Plan is to connect and maximize the potential of the Central Business District (CBD), the Arts & Entertainment (A+E) District, Brickell, and Miami’s celebrated waterfront. Building upon previous plans and studies, this Master Plan provides specific action-oriented implementation items that will increase the livability of downtown, encourage private sector investment and ensure the proper investment of public dollars. This Master Plan will outline a series of projects that support the goal of transforming Downtown Miami into the Epicenter of the Americas. Recommendations should be distinctive and memorable. Recommendations should be feasible and implementable. This Master Plan is not intended to be another passive plan or study, but rather a working document that lays out an aggressive course for delivery with catalytic action items that can be launched immediately.

Click here to download the 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan.

Miami DDA staff and Board of Directors are considering an update to this Master Plan or creating a new Strategic Plan.

Becoming the Epicenter of the Americas

Over the next five to ten years, we are striving to complete the remaining goals outlined in our 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan. From an urban planning perspective, the Master Plan includes enhancements to community spaces and streets, expansion of our transportation and mobility network, and activation of our public spaces with art, outdoor dining, and green/open space.

In March of 2016, the Miami DDA Board of Directors revisited the 2025 Master Plan to review the progress and reassessed its main goals. After the review, the board voted to refocus the five main goals of the Master Plan. The updated goals include:

  1. Enhance Our Position as the Business Epicenter of the Americas
  2. Heighten the Experience of Arts, Culture & Entertainment
  3. Create Great Urban Public Spaces (Foster A Great Public Realm)
  4. Promote Transit, Connectivity, and Mobility
  5. Improve Quality of Life and Livability