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Avenue 3

Avenue 3 is a concept and initiative started by Downtown resident and activist Steve Dutton. While Mr. Dutton’s overarching goal is to transform the Central Business District through homelessness outreach, safe and beautiful streets, and a dynamic and active quality of life, specific to NE 3rd Avenue, his community-driven intent is to transform two blocks into a pedestrian-focused corridor of restaurants, parklets, and outdoor events. In 2018, in partnership with the Miami-Dade County, the Miami Foundation, Street Plans Collaborative, Green Mobility Network and Steve’s group of volunteers, the Miami DDA helped fund and build out a one-block pop-up park where parking spots were painted, parklets were installed and a large outdoor dining event was held.

Master Plan Goals
This initiative is not specifically a part of the 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan.

4.0 Create Great Streets and Community Spaces
4.5 Connect and Promote Downtown Parks, Open Space and Greenways
5.1 Rebalance Roadways Towards Transit, Pedestrians and Cyclists

Status: Full implementation of this vision could include transforming the corridor into a pedestrian-only street, or, short of that, repurposing the parking spaces into public, people spaces. Additional street paintings, awnings and decorative lighting have also been discussed.

1, 2 and 3-Year Outlook: Unsure at this time. This initiative is not directly a part of the current Miami DDA workplan. Decisions would need to be made regarding design, funding, permitting, access, construction, maintenance and operations.