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Complete Streets

As a response to the 2015 U.S.D.O.T.’s Mayor’s Challenge for Safer People and Safer Streets, the Miami DDA collaborated with Miami-Dade County, the Health Foundation of South Florida, NEAT Streets, The Miami Foundation, FDOT, and other partners to implement a Complete Street concept for SE/SW 1st Street between SW 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard. The goal of the demonstration project was to increase safety and balance modes for pedestrians, bicyclists, businesses, and commuters along the corridor. The project has enhanced aesthetics to the Downtown area, reduced the number of crashes, and laid the groundwork for the eventual Downtown Bike Network.

Master Plan Goals
4.0 Create Great Streets and Community Spaces
4.3 Enhance Connectivity to Neighborhoods Surrounding Downtown
5.1 Rebalance Roadways Towards Transit, Pedestrians and Cyclists

A demonstration project was implemented in summer 2017 with a red bus-only lane and a separated green bicycle lane with delineators. The bus (red) and bike (green) lanes still exist, although without physical separators or enforcement, they do not function as intended. This was never meant to be a full capital improvement project. Given the extremely poor condition of the roadway/corridor, a determination needs to be made whether to fully implement, design correctly, and fully fund.  Full corridor reconstruction (including sidewalks) costs would be similar to the Flagler Street project.

1-Year Outlook: Determine amongst stakeholders if there is the will to fully implement complete project. Begin acquiring funds and appplying for grants.
2-Year Outlook: Fully design and permit project.
3-Year Outlook: Begin construction.  Construction should take three to four years to complete.