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On May 3, 2021, the City of Miami’s Office of Capital Improvements has started the Downtown Flagler Street Beautification Project (Flagler Project). The Flagler Project will transform Flagler Street into an iconic, festival-style boulevard, enhance its operations and activities, improve quality of life for the downtown residents and spur economic growth. Once the construction is complete, the road improvements will help small businesses prosper as part of a more resilient and vibrant community and thriving business ecosystem. For now, the Flagler Project has temporarily reduced visibility and access to the ground-level businesses within the construction zone. While businesses are still recovering from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Miami DDA recognizes that they need some extra assistance.

As a part of the agency’s business retention strategy and construction mitigation efforts, the Miami DDA adopted a Flagler Recovery Grant Program to assist small businesses which continue to struggle through the post-COVD-19 recovery. The goal of the Program is to support a healthy downtown business community and limit the negative economic impact of the Flagler Project on small businesses within the construction impact zone.

For the purpose of the Flagler Recovery Grant Program, the construction impact zone is defined as an area with complete street closures and includes the following sections:

  • From E 2 Avenue to E 1 Avenue on Flagler Street
  • From NE 1 Street to SE 1 Street on 2 Avenue
  • From E 1 Avenue to North Miami Avenue on Flagler Street

Grant Amount & Eligible Expenses: Eligible small businesses may receive a grant in the amount of $2,000.00 to be used for the following business expenses:

  • Rent or mortgage payment
  • Utility bill(s)
  • Purchase of business equipment
  • Business marketing or advertisement
  • Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) or cleaning/disinfecting supplies

Grant funds cannot be used for non-business-related expenses, private debts, or legal costs. Grant recipients will be required to submit proof of purchase(s) and payment(s) within the deadline provided by Miami DDA Staff.

Flagler Recovery Grants are limited to one per business. Each application will be reviewed for eligibility using the following criteria:

  • Applicant must be an owner or an authorized representative of the business
  • Business must be located on the ground level within the construction impact zone
  • Business must be open and operating
  • Business must be established and operating prior to the pandemic and affected by required closures and other efforts to contain the pandemic.


  • Non-profits
  • National chain franchise businesses

Application documentation:

  • Business entity formation document from Secretary of State (Sunbiz.org)
  • Copy of a fully executed Rental Lease Agreement where the lease is in the Applicant’s name

Application Review Process: Miami DDA will review applications submitted, and funding will be received on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications will be reviewed by Miami DDA staff for completeness and eligibility. Grants will be awarded at the sole discretion of the Miami DDA based on the submission of the required documentation and the responses provided in the application. Miami DDA staff may contact the business’ landlord to verify the information supplied in the application or for assistance with collecting supporting documentation.

Once approved, the Applicant must: – Sign a Grant Acceptance Agreement – Fill out a completed W-9 (grant awards are reported as income per IRS) – provide proof of business expenses paid within the designated time Miami DDA may but is not required to, provide a reason for the denial of an application. Submitting an application is not a guarantee of a grant award, and the Miami DDA may terminate the Program at any time, for any reason, or when available funds are depleted.

Applicant submittal checklist: · Verify that your business is within Flagler Construction Impact Zone (map attached) · Complete Application Online · Upload proof of business ownership (Division of Corporations, FL Department of State)· Certify commitment to Program guidelines · Upload current executed lease agreement under business’s name.

Note: Pursuant to Chapter 112 of the Florida Statues, Miami DDA employees, directors, vendors, contractors, and any of their relatives or business associates are not eligible to receive funding through the Program.

CLICK HERE to apply for Flagler Grant Application.

Questions regarding the program guidelines and the application process should be directed to ace@miamidda.com with the subject line “Flagler Grant Application.”