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Downtown Details, Data and Demographics

Whether you’re seeking specific details on our transportation assets, a deeper dive into our tech-savvy workforce or a broader introduction backed by general facts and figures, we can help you here. We’re also willing and able to arm you with any additional information you may require. Simply drop us a line and let us know how we can assist you.


Did you know that Greater Downtown Miami boasts…

30+ Construction Projects 8,100+ Hotel Rooms 200+ Residential Buildings

You can find all of this data and much more in our Brochures + Reports section.  To download any of our reports over the past few years, click here.


Did you know that more than 92,200 people now call Downtown Miami home? That’s an increase of nearly 40% since 2010 – and a 56% population surge since 2000. By the year 2021, our population is anticipated to reach 109,000. Care to join us?


Our 2018 Demographics Report told us a lot about our 92,235 active residents. Including:

Many are college-educated. In fact, 54% of our 25-and-older population holds a Bachelor’s, Graduate or Professional degree.
Pets are popular. Among Downtown Miami households, 39% own a pet – with 60% having a dog in the home.
Health and exercise matter. We learned that 70% of our residents exercise on a weekly basis – with 26% spending 7+ hours a week exercising.